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COVID-19 vaccine delivery to Africa: Improving supply chain efficiency with smart technology

Many countries have been struck by the COVID-19 pandemic and are now racing to develop and acquire a vaccine. The challenge does not only reside in vaccine production, but also in the logistics and supply chain to ensure it reaches all citizens. Some of the biggest challenges facing the African continent include the cold chain… Continue reading COVID-19 vaccine delivery to Africa: Improving supply chain efficiency with smart technology

How small businesses can take advantage of technology: A smart delivery option that take businesses one step ahead

More opportunity for small businesses with the recent surge in the use of smart technologies More and more small businesses are beginning to pop up all over South Africa. According to the Centre for Development and Enterprise (CDE), over five million micro and small businesses currently exist in South Africa. It is not surprising that… Continue reading How small businesses can take advantage of technology: A smart delivery option that take businesses one step ahead

Taking the lead from Asia’s smart locker technology to unlock South Africa’s last mile delivery

The advent of the Covid-19-induced lockdowns and subsequent closure of non-essential businesses accelerated the migration of business operations to digital platforms in order to adhere to social distancing directives. Consequently, a growing number of people are opting for online shopping whilst choosing to have their purchases delivered to their homes or collected at the purchaser’s… Continue reading Taking the lead from Asia’s smart locker technology to unlock South Africa’s last mile delivery

How to optimally deliver in the last-mile when customers “need it now”

Conquering the last-mile battle with smart locker delivery We might all be clicking away, here, there and everywhere to purchase anything and everything from groceries, furniture, clothes to beauty products. After all, retail stores have made it easy for us to buy almost anything online and wait for it in the comfort of our own… Continue reading How to optimally deliver in the last-mile when customers “need it now”

ECD Smart lockers offers you a convenient and contactless delivery: Find out how

Meeting the surge in online shopping with smart delivery solutions: Amid the uncertainty of living through a pandemic, more and more Africans, and South Africans particularly, are shopping online – from groceries and medication to gadgets and books. In order to minimise the disruption COVID-19 has caused on how consumers can gain access to their… Continue reading ECD Smart lockers offers you a convenient and contactless delivery: Find out how